
Patient demonstrating healthy teeth and gums after treatment at the dental clinic
Healthy teeth and gums – the result of a comprehensive approach at Dent VIP clinic, Chisinau, Moldova

Teeth treating is the fundamental part of modern stomatology. The qualitative teeth treating is the base for others healing procedures. The preventive maintenance is vital part in stomatology. Of course, don’t forget that it is better and cheaper to prevent the sickness than to treat it. Even whet you clean your teeth with Tooth thread you prevent the caries occurrence on 80 percents and that is proven as the truth.

When you know how caries appears it will be much easier to prevent it. But how you can discover whether you have caries or don’t? The answer is simple, dentist appointment once in 6 month. Qualified dentist can define even the smallest caries that you event didn’t know about. Remember, caries is the chronic disease that can not appear officially for the long time.
Don`t forget about children! When the first teeth appears you need to know how to clean it to prevent it from sicknesses. That is very simple, you only need to know how to do it.

You always need to treat caries in time because caries have the progress ability, and when it become bigger another problem stand up Caries complications. Remember, if teeth treating is modern and qualitative you will forget about future problems.
And everybody knows about treating without pain that is why we will be short about that.

Actually it is quite simple. At first, before anesthesia, anesthetizing gel is put on a gum (in a nyxis place),
the gum is anesthetized, then a it is guaranteed that the needle nyxis you won’t feel… And that is the most painful
moment during the whole procedure.

Good luck in the stomatologic care under the qualified dentists arms

Caries Treatment:

Dental ServicesPrice (MDL)
Photopolymer Filling (Class I and V)1200
Photopolymer Filling (Under Microscope)1800
Photopolymer Filling (Class II, III, IV)1300
Placement of Lining (Insulating, Therapeutic)170
Tooth Restoration2350
Acute Pain Relief500

Pulpitis and Periodontitis Treatment:

Dental Treatment ServicesPrice (MDL)
Devitalization and Temporary Filling500
Endodontic Treatment of Single-Canal Tooth1000
Endodontic Treatment of Two-Canal Tooth1300
Endodontic Treatment of Three-Canal Tooth1600
Photopolymer Filling1550
Periodontitis Treatment with Plasmolifting2150